File Uploading

File upload is a key step to initiate data processing in Koncile. This endpoint allows you to send files for analysis while specifying the necessary parameters, such as the folder identifier (`config_id`) and the extraction template (`class_id`). Once the file is uploaded, the API returns a list of task IDs (`task_ids`), corresponding to the individual processes associated with your file.

The example below demonstrates how to make a cURL request to upload a file, including the essential information to be included in the headers and parameters.

curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
  -d '{
	  "config_id": $folder-id,
	  "class_id": $template-id
   }' \
  -F "files=@test.txt"

Detailed Response Schema (Returned Schemas)

	task_ids: ["EOBdOSUX4Uv57YWsLYc4JQ", "cUrsd2ClWXa8vzupWQ2zGQ"]

Last updated