
Instructions are taken into account by Koncile to extract the general fields of the line fields.

Create instruction


Creates an instruction

Request body

Template_id Integer Required The ID of the template to create the instruction in

Content String Required The instruction's text

Type String Required Defines whether instruction is targetting the fields extracted once (General fields) or for every line (Line fields)


The created instruction object

Fetching instruction


Fetches all information about an instruction, using the instruction_id

Path parameters

Instruction_id Integer Required The id of the instruction to fetch


The instruction object

Update instruction


Updates an instruction, using the instruction_id

Path parameters

Instruction_id Integer Required The id of the instruction to update

Request body

Content String The instruction's text

Type String Defines whether instruction is targetting the fields extracted once (General fields) or for every line (Line fields)


The instruction object

Delete instruction


Deletes an instruction, using the instruction_id

Path parameters

Instruction_id Integer Required The id of the instruction to update

Instruction Object

id Integer

content String The instruction's text

type String Whether the instruction has to be extracted once, or for every line. Can be "General fields" or "Line fields"

template_id Integer The id from the template the instruction is linked to

Last updated

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