
Templates are created and managed within folders.

Create template


Creates a template

Path parameters

Template_id Integer Optional Logic for copying another template, using their template_id

Request body

Folder_id Integer Required The id of the folder inside which the template is created

Name String Required The name of the template to create, unique

Desc String The description of the template to create

Type String Spend accounts only Can be invoice, regular, or grid


The created template object

Fetching template


Fetches all informations about a template, using the template_id

Path parameters

Template_id Integer Required The id of the template to fetch


The template object

Update template


Updates a template, using the template_id

Path parameters

Template_id Integer Required The id of the template to update

Request body

Name String

Desc String

Type String Spend accounts only Can be invoice, regular, or grid


The template object

Delete template


Deletes a template, using the template_id

Path parameters

Template_id Integer Required The id of the template to update

Override Boolean If True forces deletion. Default False

Template Object

id Integer

name String The name of the template

desc String A more detailled description of the template. Informations can have an impact on the document output.

type String Spend accounts only Can be invoice, regular, or grid

folder_id Integer The id from the folder the template is linked to

Last updated

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