How to write field descriptions

To maximize the quality of the field extraction you desire, it may be necessary to add your own custom fields and/or manually adjust the descriptions of certain fields.

Our configuration interface allows you to interact with the tool in the simplest way possible. You explain what you need, and it will consistently do it for the relevant extraction model moving forward!

Certain techniques and phrasing can boost efficiency. In this section, we’ll share tips, tricks, and examples to help you achieve perfection!

Communicate naturally with the tool, as if speaking to an assistant

Use regular sentences; it’s more effective than using telegraphic language. For example, instead of saying sum price, write Sum the prices of all the lines.

Share your domain expertise, such as providing supplier lists, multiple names for the same value to be extracted, typical locations of certain elements on the pages, specific rules like codes always starting with the letter “M,” etc.

Be simple, concise, and directive.

Add general instructions to anticipate and resolve ambiguities

Here are a few examples of instructions you can use:

Service or product lines may appear twice in a row in the extract. Make sure to extract both lines separately, even if they are nearly identical. Every visible product or service should be extracted, including duplicates.

Each extracted line must include a price. Do not return any lines without a price.

Only billing lines should be extracted. These are invoiced services related to international freight transport. Note that a line must always contain a label and a price. Do not include header or total lines.

Always return amounts and prices using the same units and currencies.

Add examples

Examples will greatly enhance the quality of the extracted data. They will also help in formatting and structuring the output data according to the model you have provided.

Name: Full service or product description

Description: For instance: "Pre-carriage excluding VAT", "Removal fees", "handling/documentation fee export", "Maritime Freight", "AMS/ACI security fee", "Fuel charge precarriage", "BUC – Bunker charge", or other. Provide the complete line detail, including measurements and numbers.

Format: Text

Name: Transport reference

Description: For invoices, this is a 9-digit number starting with 61, located at the very end of the extract. For credit notes, it is a code located at the very end of the extract after the “page 1” number, e.g., “41A0234141,” “21A0620427,” “41A0236333,” or “610156703.”

Format: Text

Avoid common mistakes

If the tool generates any confusion, provide specific instructions to prevent them.

Name: Line’s net amount excluding VAT

Description: If multiple amounts are present on this line, extract the highest one. If amounts are displayed in multiple currencies, prioritize euros (EUR, €).

Format: Price

Name: Recipient’s address

Description: If there are several addresses, provide the one from the transport reference with the largest km distance, or, if unavailable, the last one. If the same address applies to multiple lines, repeat it for each sub-line. Note: this field is rarely empty.

Format: Text

Name: Document date

Description: Even if the document is written in French, the date may appear in the American format MM/DD/YYYY. Be careful not to confuse the month and the day.

Format: Date

Leverage the tool’s intelligence

The tool can make adjustments to enrich, validate, and reformat the captured data.

Name: Issuing country

Description: Provide the country code according to the ISO 3166 standard.

Format: Text

Name: Product category

Description: Categorize the invoiced product among the following list: fruits and vegetables, grains and legumes, dairy products, meat, fish and seafood, fats, sweet products, salt, water, others.

Format: Text

Name: Accounting classification

Description: Specify whether it falls under Fixed Expenses, Variable Expenses, Staff Salaries, Machine Maintenance Costs, Bank Fees, Taxes, Insurance, Subscriptions, or Local Taxes.

Format: Text

Name: Airport code

Description: Provide the relevant airport’s ICAO code.

Format: Text

Name: Lease transfer conditions summary

Description: Summarize in about 20 words the conditions under which the lease can be transferred to a third party, if applicable.

Format: Text

Extra Tips

AI abhors a vacuum: Most AI models have a tendency to prefer answering something rather than nothing. If you want to force the tool to answer nothing, for example to ignore all the lines on an appendix page, it's better to have an instruction that asks the tool to “Answer ‘Appendix’” rather than “Don't return lines from appendix pages”.

Last updated

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